City of Scott responds to emergency calls with new technology system

Scott City, Mo. (KFVS) – 911 dispatchers in Scott City have a new tool they can use in an emergency.

Through an app on your smartphone, with your permission, they’ll be able to access your phone’s camera, which they say will help first responders.

“The City of Scott is trying to stay on the cutting edge of 911 technology,” said Emergency Management Director Dankin.

Now, first responders can do just that with a new system called “Prepared Live.”

Dan King, director of emergency management for the City of Scott, said the system allows dispatchers to see what is happening during an emergency in real time.

“When people call 911, where it’s an emergency, they don’t always think clearly. But if we can see what they’re seeing, it gives us more information to respond to when they respond. available to responders, and it also allows us to assist those who call to deal with the situation,” King explained.

Scott City 911 dispatcher Alexis Lambert shows us how Prepared Live works.

“Once they get the link, they click that link with their consent. It shows us exactly what they see and only shows us what they want us to see. When they click in this way When it’s time, it’ll let us know so we know they understand. If they can’t talk to us in certain situations, we can chat with them,” said 911 dispatcher Alexis Lambert

Lambert said the system will allow them to better serve the community.

“We’re here to protect them and help them get them there as quickly as possible, so this system actually helps us do that and help them get ready on the way to the field so they know what to prepare ,” Lambert said.

King believes the new system will change how they respond to emergencies in the future.

“They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well, in this case, a video is worth a million, so I thought it would be great. We launched this yesterday and I’m looking forward to seeing how many different we can find ways to use it to help the citizens we serve,” King continued.

The new system is up and running.

Scott City EMS launched the system this week. The app is free to download.

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